What can stop diarrhea fast?

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diarrhea can be highly uncomfortable but

most people can effectively treat it

with rest and home remedies diarrhea is

a digestive problem that causes loose

watery bowel movements it can be

uncomfortable for a few hours or days

after which the symptoms should improve

in some instances they last longer

while diarrhea often goes away on its

What can stop diarrhea fast?

own several home remedies can ease

symptoms and speed up recovery one

rehydrating home remedies for diarrhea

water diarrhea causes a deficit of

fluids making it vital to rehydrate

hydrating the body as essential to

recovering from diarrhea diarrhea causes

a deficit of fluids including water this

causes the body to lose electrolytes

such as sodium and chloride to support

recovery it is vital to restore fluids

otherwise a person may become dehydrated

dehydration can be dangerous in children

and older adults so it is crucial to

encourage them to drink water if they

are experiencing diarrhea drinking water

as the first step to rehydrating a

person can also to create an oral

rehydration solution by mixing one liter

of water with half a teaspoon of salt

and six teaspoons of sugar consuming

sugar and salt with water helps the

intestines to absorb fluids more

efficiently this solution more

effectively rehydrates the body after a

bout of diarrhea than water alone other

drinks can also be beneficial for

example drinking sports drinks can help

rehydrate the body and restore potassium

and sodium fruit juices can also help

restore potassium avoid drinking

anything that will further irritate the

digestive tract such as caffeinated

What can stop diarrhea fast?

What can stop diarrhea fast?

drinks alcohol carbonated beverages very

hot drinks - eating a recovery diet a

diet of small frequent meals can be

better than eating three larger meals a

day when recovering from diarrhea

a good diet for someone with diarrhea

may involve foods rich in pectin such as

fruit foods high in potassium such as

potatoes and sweet potatoes foods with

electrolytes such as miso soup and

sports drinks cooked soft vegetables

adequate amounts of protein some people

find that having a liquid diet for the

first twanty four hours of diarrhea helps settle

the digestive system

this may include salty broth bland soups

and drinks adopting this diet for the

first twanty four hours may prevent the bowels

from working too hard

another option for people with diarrhea

as the BRAT diet this consists of

bananas rice applesauce toast this diet

combines bland foods that are low in

fiber and high in starch which may help

produce more solid bowel movements

it also contains helpful nutrients such

as potassium in pectin it is essential

to note that the BRAT diet is highly

restrictive and does not provide

balanced nutrition people should only

follow this diet until they are feeling

better and not any longer than two days three 

avoiding certain foods it can help to

avoid foods that could irritate or put

pressure on the gastrointestinal tract

such as high-fat foods greasy foods

spicy foods foods containing artificial

sweeteners foods with high levels of

fructose some doctors recommend avoiding

dairy products as they may worsen

diarrhea in some people while general

evidence for this claim is limited

people with lactose intolerance should

avoid these products for taking

probiotics probiotics or microorganisms

that can benefit the digestive system

they can support the workings of the gut

and help fight off infection probiotics

are live bacteria and yeasts in some

yogurts and other fermented foods

people can also buy probiotic

supplements in health stores or online

in two thousand ten researchers conducted a large

systematic review of sixty three studies on

probiotics with over eight thousand , participants

they found that probiotics significantly

shortened the duration of recovery from


they also found probiotics to be safe

without any major side effects the

United States Food and Drug

Administration FDA do not regulate

probiotic supplements so be sure to

purchase them from a reputable source

and ask a doctor or pharmacist if in

doubt five trying medicines several

over-the-counter medications are

available for treating diarrhea anti

motility drugs can help reduce symptoms

and speed up recovery time a common

example of this type of drug as

loperamide imodium

however these medications are not always

appropriate people with bloody bowel

movements or a fever should refrain from

taking anti motility drugs and speak to

a doctor instead when to see a doctor in

most cases it is possible to treat

diarrhea at home without consulting a


however if diarrhea lasts for more than

two days seek medical advice to avoid

complications other reasons to see a

doctor for diarrhea include blood or pus

in bowel movements of fever signs of

dehydration such as extreme thirst and

dry mouth chronic diarrhea diarrhea

during sleep significant weight loss

severe abdominal pain people at risk of

complications such as young children and

older adults should also see a doctor

for treatment if diarrhea does not

improve with time and home remedies



What can stop diarrhea fast?

What can stop diarrhea fast?