What is a home remedy for eye irritation ?

 yet again deli smoggy due to various

reasons such as stubble burning

pollution from cars crackers etc has led

to the national capital to become blurry

hazy and difficult for us to breathe in

Abbe Jonte has smog effects almost every

part of her body although there are

specialised face masks that offer

partial safety from cardiovascular and

respiratory diseases but your eyes are

exposed to all the harmful chemicals in

the environment and as a consequence

they lead to watery eyes burning

sensation sore eyes redness swelling

itching sensation dry eyes lowering of

vision arch Marko Khatami with simple

hacks that will minimize the risk of eye

infections or substantive Athiya hair

you can make them with the simple

ingredients available in your kitchen

potato slices potatoes are great sources

of glycol alkaloids that exhibit

anti-inflammatory properties

hence applying potato can reduce a

Jeunesse and swelling in the eyes take a

raw potato and refrigerate it

Escobar cut it into circular slices and

place one slice on each eye allow it for

 minutes and then remove how often you

should do this two to three times daily

cold make

cold milk acts like a cold compress

relieving itchiness and swelling in the

eyes dip a cotton pad in cold milk close

the affected eye and place the soaked

pad over it leave it on for about ten

minutes and then remove how often we

should do this two to three times daily

rose water rose water acts as an

astringent relieving inflammation

itchiness and swelling in the eyes dip a

cotton pad in rose water close the

affected eye and place the soaked pad

over it leave it on for fifteen to twanty minutes

and then remove how often you should do

this two to three times daily these

remedies will reduce itching in your

eyes but whose kisses are up who

precautions villain is already here


Jarvis is the other state indoors Nega

Nagar you have to step out then make

sure you wear protective eye glasses and

shades wash your eyes with cold water

every now and then avoid rubbing your

eyes the other they took contact lenses

now penny apply a cold compress to help

reduce inflammation eat a healthy diet

that is rich in omega-three potassium

antioxidants such as fish specially

Salman tuna nuts like peanuts walnuts

seeds like chia seeds flax seeds citrus

fruits like lemon oranges leafy green

vegetables like spinach then half

carrots sweet potatoes eggs yogurt and

lots of water

try these remedies at home