What is the natural fever reducer?
بخار دور کرنے کے لیے
Fever is caused by a body's immune
system fighting infection when a body is
invaded by viruses or external bodies it
increases its inner temperature by one
to two degrees so it can send the
antiviral a new signal to defend itself
against the viral infection thus fever
usually caused by cells when the body
has succeeded in eradicating the
infection which takes about one to two
days however certain home tours help you
strengthen the response mechanism of the
body and recover faster from the fever
let's look at how to prepare these take
eight to ten garlic cloves crush them to make
a paste add one tablespoon coconut oil mix
this well apply this on your feet make
sure you leave some spots uncovered as
this will insure the heat to escape wrap
your feet with galls and allow the
mixture to penetrate in your skin
overnight wash it out with warm water
the next morning anti-inflammatory
antibacterial and antiviral properties
and garlic helps to eliminate toxins
from the body it also promotes wetting
that helps to lower the temperature when
you are suffering from fever
take a cup of hot water add one teaspoon
of mustard seed powder mix this well let
it steep as it is for about five minutes
drink this while it's still warm drink
this two times a day mustard seed is
known as a warming hope it encourages
perspiration that can low fever and
clean the body of toxins eat light and
healthy food accompanied by proper rest
consult a doctor a fever persists for
longer than two days as it might be an
indication of a secondary condition take
Best home treatment for fever
the normal body temperature is usually
between ninety eight point four degrees
Fahrenheit to ninety-nine point five
degrees Fahrenheit when the temperature
of the body exceeds this level one is
known to be suffering from fever like
shivering headache and body ache are
some symptoms associated with fever the
patient may also feel thirsty and
exhausted the flow of urine reduces and
as the fever Rises the heartbeat and
breathing becomes faster excessive
sweating and concentrated urine are
other indicators of fever
why does fever occur harmful matter
collects in our system as a result of
incorrect eating habits or an unhygenic
environment fever is the body's way of
getting rid of this toxic matter
fever is a common condition and Ayurveda
provides us with some safe in easy to
use home remedies to treat this
boy half a cup of water add one/two a
teaspoon of Safran also known as ke sir
allow it to simmer for about two to three
minutes transfer the liquid in a cup
sit this while it's hot take one
teaspoon of freshly crushed basil leaves
also known as Tulsi leaves place it on a
sieve add one teaspoon of freshly
crushed ginger extract its juice to this
juice add one teaspoon of honey mix it
well drink this Potter five times a day
soak five tablespoons of raisins also
known as ich mich in half a cup of water
using the same water grind the raisins
add one teaspoon lemon juice mix it well
drink this for quick relief eat well and
take care of yourself
Fever treatment
Let's talk.....fevers! That's good for the intro
so, fevers actually help our bodies beat infections and they do this
by stimulating our immune system and also making it more difficult for the bacteria and viruses
to survive in the heat
normal body temperature is thirty sevenC but it does vary a little
and a fever is generally anything above C and that's it
a high temperature can be quite worrying but most children and adults recover
within a few days with no problems but before we move to treatments
here are some red flags that you need to be aware
you must seek urgent medical advice if your baby is
under three months with a temperature of C or higher
or your baby is three-six months and has a temperature of thirty nineC or higher
please make sure to read the description below or click on the link
and it has all the other red flags to be aware of, now let's move on to tips and medications
tip one tepid sponging is no longer recommended and this was the only sponge that I could find
so it'll have to make do
this is because blood vessels constrict when the water touches the skin
so what happens is less heat is able to escape so it's kept in deeper parts of the body
tip two fluids, try and drink about two litres a day which is about eight to ten glasses to prevent dehydration
get plenty of rest make sure you're not covered up too much so basically
don't wear what I'm wearing right now and make sure the room temperature isn't too high
tip four try to eat nutritious foods your body's using a lot of calories to beat the infection
so give it the energy it needs, now let's move on to medication
okay so for children consider giving them children's paracetamol or children's ibuprofen
only if they're distressed and these shouldn't been given together
unless you're advised by a healthcare professional
always check the age and weight restrictions for any medicines that you give
and also ask your pharmacist for an oral syringe so it's easier to administer medicine to a child
adults however can take, paracetamol or ibuprofen either together or separately to help a fever
remember though ibuprofen should not be given to anyone whose asthma attacks have been triggered by it
or by any medicines in the same family
if you do want to try any of these medicines always run it by your pharmacist, nurse practitioner or doctor first
and always read the information leaflet
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